জন প্রত্যাশা

Bangla version coming soon

Public Security Catalogue

Serial nr.





Families who are at loss due the adverse treatment from the government before the government needs to provide full support.


Police should have the possibility to denounce any order which is against the interest of the citizens and the country. There should be no retaliation. An independent body would be in place to evaluate


No hidden arrest and no arrest in civil dress. All arrests by any organization (police, rab, DB, CID etc) must be done in front of a public representative (mayor, counselor, member, SP, IMAM or at least local people). This would prevent secret internment. Police and the government must specify that arrest without the presence of a public representative would be illegal or will be punished


Property captured by any political parties must be given back, or a fair amount of compensation must be paid in accordance with the agreement.


Special force/department must be created to tackle or prevent land/property/money captured illegally.